**Beats my forehead on the keyboard** I took a total of zero pictures this Christmas. I don't know what happened. The thought honestly never occurred to me. sigh. Christmas was really nice. It was a very busy day and I couldn't wait for it to end, but I think it was a very successful day and a good time was had by all.
So, onto December Trend Alert
-Legos (Hunter), Plasma Car (Dane), Anything Kung Zhu related- toys, ds, anything (Corbin) **Dane calls the Kung Zhu's Bakugan... makes me laugh
-Diary of a Wimpy Kid- the movie- I must say, this movie is quite funny. The boys have watched it at least once a day since Christmas and they still laugh at it hysterically like the first time and now Corbin has begun saying the lines along with the actors.
-Dispicable Me- this movie, I think, has moved itself to the top tier of favorite animation movies for me... the kids loved it too!
-Dexter- Matt and I finally sat down and watched Season 1 and 2 on Netflix. Wow! I see what all the hype was about. This show is a little dark, but funny, but a little showtime-esque. It's a little rough, but the storyline is fun!
-Clementines-I've discovered that Hunter really likes these... and I eat 5+ a day. They are so good!
-Scripture Study- We started this a few weeks back. Some nights are good, some nights are not very successful. But I'm glad to be doing it and I really think long term, this will be invaluable to all of us as a family.
-"Ding!" while holding his index finger up- Hunter says this when you say something that he likes or may want. Example- Me: "Hunter, would you like to have an orange?" Hunter: "Ding!"
-"Zoo Wee Mama!"- Thanks to Diary of a Wimpy Kid
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas season! See you next year!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
December Trend Alert!
Posted by Jaime at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
From Our Family to Yours...
MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Wilsons- Matt, Jaime, Corbin, Hunter, Dane, and baby on the way! I've decided to set aside my "bah hum bug" feelings and embrace the season. (Hormones- I will continue to blame them) This was going to be our Christmas card this year, but I had to remove a few to do things from my plate (and not to mention the budget). Have a wonderful Holiday Season!!
Posted by Jaime at 8:44 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Bah Hum Bug, I guess!
Ya know, the holidays are supposed to be a happy time where our central focus should be on Christ. Instead, they are filled with the most extreme stress of the year for me personally. It doesn't matter if I plan to the hilt or don't plan at all, I've come to dread this time of year. I paste on my crazy smile and deal with the weird Christmas mayhem. I pretend to enjoy this time of year, but I don't. Too many presents to buy, too many expectations to fulfill, too many class parties, too many presents to buy (did I mention this already? Who cares), too many places to be, too many last minute homework that teachers want to assign before the holidays come... I could go on and on. Bah Hum Bug, I guess.
I apologize in advance... Don't mind me or my pleasant demeanor, I am who I am... or I am who my hormones dictate me to be. And right now, that mixed with my stress levels is morphing me into...
Yes, Scrooge McDuck! Please sir, can this holiday be peaceful? Please sir, can I just go to the store and shop instead of letting my shopping cart on Amazon just sit there waiting!? If I don't get my shopping out of the way soon, sir, I will implode! Please sir, can the weather warm up a little so stepping outside isn't physically painful? Please, please, please sir, throw me a friggin bone!
So now, I paste on my crazy smile and wish everyone a Merry Christmas while in my head I'm really thinking Bah Hum Bug, I guess.
Posted by Jaime at 7:47 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 29, 2010
November Trend Alert
Kung Zu -those gerbil toys
Popsicles - continue in popularity no matter how cold it gets
Dane finally graduated to a big boy bed ...without a hitch!
Hunter began writing his name... on EVERYTHING!
Corbin and Hunter have discovered that having their own money to spend is pretty cool.
Corbin planning a running schedule.
I made Homemade mashed potatoes for the first time ever for Thanksgiving dinner
Decorating for Christmas
Playing with the Nativity set that is not supposed to be played with... "Please put the camel back, Dane."
"CRISS, CROSS, CRISS, CROSS, CRASH!" -this phrase is constantly being chanted by Hunter thanks to that dang Hot Wheels commercial.
Round Robin Family prayer -everyone says a prayer during family prayer b/c everyone likes to pray now. I'm not complaining, I will never discourage my children from praying.
Polar Express -tis the season to bust it out. But score for us- we got a blu-Ray Polar Express from Target for 7.99 on Black Friday.
Corbin learning to clean -I actually made him vacuum the other day and he did a really good job and only complained a little bit in the beginning.
Walking Dead TV show on AMC -Words can't describe how cool this show is. Everytime I watch it, it never fails that that night I dream about zombies
Chloe Neill books- I just re-read them and they are very delicious books. Chloe Neill is the author- 3 books out so far in the series- Friday Night Bites, Some Girls Bite, and Twice Bitten. Dumb titles, fantastic reads!!! No kidding!
Hard-core morning, afternoon, and evening sickness-Bleh. 8 weeks today- first Doctor Appointment is on December 1.
Posted by Jaime at 4:20 PM 3 comments
Matt and I went to North Carolina/Tennessee border to hike a section of the Appalachian Trail for his Birthday weekend. The drive was beautiful! Believe it or not, I took this while in the car through the windows. :) We drove through Hot Springs, NC (our endpoint) to somewhere in Tennesee. I can't remember the name of this place. Matt got us a room at a Days Inn. I know. It was only for one night, so no big deal. Well, it turned out to be very scarey. The place looked like a place someone would get murdered at or a seedy place to meet seedy people to do seedy things with. hahahaha! I laugh now, but I had that creepy crawly feeling the entire time we stayed there. Plus, I thought the cracks in the wall and ceiling were lovely and added dimension to the place. But after the 7-8 or so hours spent there, even Matt said never again. So we woke up at 4am on November 13th and headed back to Hot Springs to meet our shuttle who would take us to our start point. We came to a place called Half Moon Outfitters where the owner, Daniel, drove us. If you ever want to meet a liberal hippie who hates the forest service and the government, he's your guy. He was cool though- not my cup of tea, but good for a laugh.
So we finally got to the start of our hike. There was a mixture of nerves and excitement as we began. Did I mention that it was cold? Good things we started out with several layers of clothes. The first few miles were fun. We laughed and took lots of pictures (and probably wasted too much time) We made it to I-40 and that's when we crossed over to the most hellish climb.
Matt pointing the way for us. :)
But in actuality, we followed these. They are called White Blazes- they are marked along the way to let the hiker know they are on the right path. Always keep your eyes out for these. I kinda led us astray (not terribly) once b/c I wasn't paying attention.
We broke for lunch and peeled our capilene layers away. The beauty of this amazing material is it dries in minutes.
v We took our shoes off too, to let our feet air out. The weather was so mild, almost a little hot. Lunch was peaceful. If we would have found a flat place, I might have even fallin asleep. We even were stalked by a chipmunk. You wouldn't believe how quiet it was out there.
It took us 6 hours to get here- 7 miles straight up for 3000ft, we reached the summit of Snowbird Peak. It was very beautiful, but we couldn't stay. We basically took a couple of pictures and started back down. We were trying to get to the campsite or shelter area before dark. So we booked it downhill for the next couple of hours. By the end my toes were killing me!
Yay! We made it- we were so gross and sweaty- I stole Matt's only short sleeve shirt-actually he gladly gave it to me. He was so good to me and took really good care of me during this trip.
Stop taking picures, Jaime, we have to go!
Our tent that Matt set up while I regained my vision. You're walking on uneven ground and bouncing for hours carrying a lot of weight, so when I stopped, the platform in the shelter was moving in waves. My equilibrium was so off. Matt set our tent up and I got the sleeping bags and everything else set up while he cooked some soup for us for supper. It was dark, we'd eaten, written in our trail journals, and by 6:30 we went to bed. LOL! I know, right? But I slept all night until 6 the next morning, except for a few bathroom breaks. ( I made friends with this super nice tree) Matt had trouble sleeping because I kept rolling and pressing him into the wall of the tent. oops. I can't help that he set the tent at a slight incline. hahahahaha!
I woke up to Matt making breakfast- we ate some not so creamy grits... they were actually quite gritty and plain (no salt or butter) but they were super good! We broke camp, got our bags packed, and nursed my blister bubbles from the day before with some moleskin. But before we left, I had to check out the privy.
This. was. the privy. It was not a privilage to use. It was disgusting and scarey. If it were warmer weather I would not have gone near it. This picture does not even do it justice. It was not pretty. It's basically a hole in the ground with a putrid toilet on top of it. You throw in leaves or something to create a natural compost pile. bleh.
Matt and I began hiking again... uphill. Which was not helping my blisters. My feet were so tired and I was so tired. I was beginning to feel sick, but I was determined not to ruin this for Matt. He kept taking things off of my back and putting them on his pack, but the hike was slowing going and my feet and not to mention my pregnant body (yep, that's what I said) was not working to our advantage. So a few miles in, Matt called it. I was in tears (mostly out of anger at my body for not being able to finish, but also because I felt I was ruining Matt's hike and his birthday weekend. He pulled out our SPOT communicator and let everyone know we were calling it and then found a signal to make calls for a pick up. We hike another mile or two to Brown Gap which also had road access. Daniel, our liberal hippie shuttle guy came and got us. On the way to road, we came across this.
Yes, a blue cooler- AKA "Trail Magic" left by some "Trail Angels"
We'd heard about these gifts along the hiking trails, but never thought we'd come across some.
Inside we found soda, M&m's, and honeybuns. My spirits were down because of having to quit, but it definently brought a smile to Matt and I. We actually laughed and were in awe at this. It was a nice surprise and uplifting during those moments.
Thus ended our hike. Daniel reached us, took us to Hot Springs, and we got our car and headed to Asheville to find a hot shower. ;) We ended up at a Holiday Inn and Suites (I think) which was sooooo nice. Seriously. It was new and the room was beautiful and the bathroom was all granite and had bath and body works stuff in it. We showered, ate dinner at Carrabba's, and went to watch a movie. We slept in a bit, explored downtown Asheville and then headed home (but not without an out of the way pitt stop at IKEA). It was a great weekend. Our adventure started out in the woods and took us to a place Matt had never been. It was all spontaneous after the hike and that was fun. I hope that Matt and I will continue with more adventures. I love you, Matt.
Posted by Jaime at 2:39 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
From a Child's Mouth
Kids say some amazing things sometimes that really impact us in the smallest ways, right?! This morning in the car, Hunter and I had a rather unique conversation. It was so neat, I decided to come home and write it down so I wouldn't forget this. I know I typically write quotes from my kids on the sidebar, but this was too long and too good to put over there...
Hunter: Mom, we live on Earf?
Me: Huh? Earth?
Hunter: Yeah, Earf.
Me: Yeah.
Silence. I looked in the rearview mirror and Hunter is looking in the sky.
Hunter: It's raining on Earf.
Hunter: I miss all the people...
Hunter: And I miss our home.
I turn around to see him because we're at a stop light. He's just looking out the window.
Me: But we have a nice home here, too, right?
Hunter: Yeah
Another moment of silence and then Hunter looks at me and smiles really big
Hunter: I like popsicles a whole lot!
Me: Smiles.
I love little moments like this. They make me happy and they also remind me that moments like this make staying at home worthwhile and valuable.
Posted by Jaime at 1:34 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Trend Alert
For the month of October, the trends in our house goes as follows:
-Toy Story 3
-Lighting McQueen (Dane)
-Iron Man
-Dinosaurs (they have made an epic, "John Travolta" come back in our house-glad I didn't get rid of them)
-Normal Popsicles (cherry, grape, orange kind... and oh so messy)
-Corbin begging to go back to carpool for school pick up (uh, h*!! to da no! I will never participate in that madness eva again)
-Prepping for the big hike on the Appalachian Trail (my trail name is gonna be Alpha, of course- and Matt is gonna be Tango. Alpha + Tango = AT or Appalachian Trail)
-Hunter's Lion (he's become unusually loving toward his stuffed companion)
-Dane climbing out of the crib (and at all hours of the night now- OMG!)
-DIY projects (I find a certain amount of therapy in doing these- the latest is painting the window shutters)
-Still running (not a trend, new way of life- ran a 10k Hammer the Hills Habitat for Humanity race in 1:08...not too shabby for my first go- I beat the 84 year old guy by 3 mins. lol!)
-Pumkin decorating
-Halloween costume shopping (Corbin will be Dastan from the Prince of Persia, Hunter will be some kind of Red Dragon Ninja, and Dane chose to be Scooby Doo)
-Fall TV started - House, Grey's, Private Practice, Vampire Diaries, Cutthroat- RW/RR challenge (woot, woot), some truck driver show that I find fascinating
Posted by Jaime at 2:54 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Trauma, Melodrama, and Angst sprinkled with a little bit of WAAAHHHH!
I'm a walking cliche. Yes, I do believe I am. I'm posting today because tomorrow I will sink into that abyss of Friday, October 15th, to wallow and cry, eat some California Dreaming while dreaming of days of yore as I inhale that strawberry daquiri that I get once a year when I go... Then I will emerge on Saturday, October 16th- dare I say it??!.. Th- Thi-Thir-Thirt- THIRTY!!! To quote a wise man named Kanye (uh-hem), "Now that don't kill me can only make me stronger"... that said, this ordeal will not kill me and I will (eventually) get over this and move on with my good life.
But today, I will dread and cry myself puffy and complain and be dramatic because I can and I will! In all seriousness, this is a hard pill for me to swallow. Turning 30 to me is a marker of sorts. I'm officially "marked" as an adult now. Do I feel 30? I don't know. All I know is that it feels unreal. 18 was yesterday for heaven's sake!! I mean I just turned 29 five minutes ago! I just. can't. accept. it... Today (or tomorrow) at least.
According to society, I'm way ahead in the game of life. I have a good life- great husband, awesome kids, a nice house... It really is charmed. But I think the "mark" reminds me of what I personally have not done. Questions that I have about myself, I feel, should have been answered during my twenties... but they haven't. I'm thirty and I still don't know anything! I need more time to figure stuff out. Thirty marks being a real grown up as I said earlier. I should have my stuff together so I can enjoy and coast the rest of the way through my mortal life. Maybe my expectations are completely unrealistic and maybe I just need to let go and let it be. I will, but not today. I need today... and tomorrow... and then I'll be good. Aaannnnnnd scene.
Posted by Jaime at 9:46 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Trend Alert
So Yesterday (summer of 2010)
-Little Caesrs's Pizza
-Swimming Pool
-Mario Galaxy for the Wii
-Cheerios (Dane)
-Ego Waffle (Hunter)
-Poptarts (Corbin)
-Speed Racer for the DS
-push up flav-or-ice pops
What's Hip Now (September 2010)
-Tom and Jerry
-Iron Man
-Buffalo Wild Wings Restaurant (thanks to the dang quarter eating game machine right at the table- grrrr!)
-Watching for Corbin to get off the bus
-"Old Skool" Super Mario Brothers- Circa 1985- on the Wii
-Cinnamon Toast Crunch (Dane)
-Toast (Hunter)
-Nothing- it's like pulling teeth to get this kid to eat breakfast (Corbin)
-Mario Kart for the DS
-super hero popsicles
Posted by Jaime at 2:05 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
First Day of School Pictures... a little late
Corbin started 3rd grade (I know, right?!!) on August 18, 2010- So far, he is really enjoying it and seems to be doing well. The homework load this year is a little lighter, but more tests and projects. Which is fine with me because we do a little everyday. Corbin has his first Social Studies test today on Maps. I know he's gonna ace it because we've studied for it a lot (I have his study guide memorized) FYI- Corbin's backpack was so heavy with required school supplies, he was hunching. :)
Hunter started his last year at Pre-school on Monday, August 30, 2010. He has Corbin's old teachers from his pre-k days. He walked right in without a glance back and screamed when I came to pick him up... for 2 days in a row. Yesterday was better and today he couldn't wait to get to school to show off his new IRONMAN lunchbox that I picked up for 4 bucks on clearance. The way he acts you think he won the lottery!
School is going great for the guys so far. Dane is itching to join them... pretty soon baby grass-hoppah.
Posted by Jaime at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Pressing On
My brain is literally still vibrating and my right eye has retained that little twitch that developed yesterday. In all seriousness, yesterday was the WORST DAY EVER. Period. Screaming, crying, spitting, hitting, "NO!", "I don't love you anymore!", and complaining (in that higher pitch whiney sound). I was invisible to all around me except when all the above was happening- I was then the target for that mess. When I spoke, no one heard. When I yelled, they still didn't hear. When I put myself in my room for a 3 minute time-out, it went completely unnoticed. (which was fine at the time)
Most days as a stay at home mom are tolerable. My good to great moments overshadow the not so good moments and there is a little balance... but yesterday... I can honestly say nothing good happened. I thought at one point I would pack a small bag and seek refuge somewhere kid-less. And to top the mother of all bad days, my husband didn't get home until we were on the last leg of the race. Not his fault, but I was smokin' hot mad when he walked through that front door all chipper and patient beyond words. I really wanted to say... no, YELL some super unkind things, but I mostly kept it all to myself (except when I had to murmur under my breath).
Finally, when it was all quiet and everyone was in bed (around 7:30pm), I did the math in my, at that point, hard to process things brain. 13 hours of this. 13 hours of being tortured within an inch of my life. 13 hours of a sweating brow and racing heart beat. 13 hours of unappreciated sacrifice and labor. I was exhausted. So I slept. Until exactly 7:58 when I was woken by screams from Hunter's room. He needed his airplane, apparently. Kid was still asleep, but still whining. I mustered up the last bit of humanity I could find and hugged and kissed him and told him to get some sleep.
From there I made my way downstairs and watched a movie. Not just any movie- I watched The Last Song. OMG! Maybe I'm just overly emotional at this point, but I think I cried through about a third of the movie. I could have gone without that, but I think I just probably needed a good cry- I was due, I guess.
So, a few prayers later and the sure knowledge that I was heard, I know now that I can do it! I will make it through today and tomorrow and the next day and I will do my best to raise my boys in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I've felt invisible for a long time- just another presense in my home to keep the kids from a sure concussion. But I was heard last night. I am an invaluable asset to this family. I can do it! The Lord will not fail me- He will always hear me. I hope that the 2 people that follow or read this will see this as well. Vacations are always nice, but a simple prayer can work wonders for the soul.
Posted by Jaime at 7:11 AM 3 comments
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thank you Scooby-Doo. :) My 2 year old came in the kitchen one day with his arms stretched out rocking side to side while he slowly walked... occasionally rolling his eyes around repeating (or should I say chanting) "Zommmmmbie, Zommmmmbie." My sister was a witness to this and I vowed I would get this act on video. I did, but not as dramatic, but nonetheless funny. Enjoy! I still laugh every time I watch this!
Posted by Jaime at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Posted by Jaime at 2:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
So Hunter had his family birthday party about a week ago and we had a good time! Hunter requested Super Mario Brothers cupcakes, got some good presents including, motorcycles and monster trucks from Leah and the gang, a train set (which Dane has currently confiscated) from Nana and Papa, a bucket of soldiers from Uncle Jeff, Gormittis from Corbin and Dane, and the mother of all gifts- a Nintendo DS XL from Matt and Me. We rounded off the festivities with none other than a pinata. We are always looking for an excuse to hit something and then get candy for doing it! :) I would also like to pat myself on the back for making homemade pizzas- they were really good and in the end, we only had a couple of slices left over!Birthday boy blows out his candles!
Are these not the coolest cupcakes, evah! Jessica Whetstone made these for us and I must say, she did a fantastic job! The kids could not keep away from them.
Hunter chose Mario, of course.
Hunter with his new Nintendo DS XL (along with a new MarioKart game)- I know, before scoffing ensues, he really can play the games and he was already trying to monopolize Corbin's DS (much to his dismay). It was a stellar investment but now instead of fighting over the DS, they fight over the games now. **As a side note- I will be creating a DS library system so that these guys have to check out the game from me so I'm not reduced to braining them.**
Who can resist a pinata?! We look for any kind of excuse it seems to get one! I got lots of pictures of the kids hitting it, but I've decided to make this post just about Hunter. And yes, that is a long sleeve shirt in the middle of July. I believe he woke chilly from his nap, so Matt let him put on a long sleeve shirt. It was his birthday, whatever.
Posted by Jaime at 9:01 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Happy 4th Birthday to my Hunter! What big, handsome boy he is! Pictures to come after family birthday party...
Posted by Jaime at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Playing at Broad River
We had an impromptu outing to the Broad River in downtown Columbia yesterday (7/11/10). I can't believe I've never gone down there after living here my entire life! It was fun and it reminded me of how we've gotten over the "hump" and seem to have some extra flexibility in doing more with the kids without having to pack like crazy to do something like this.
I LOVE this picture of Corbin and Hunter. Brotherly love... for the moment. :)Dane especially had a great time at Broad River. Watching him climb the rocks and stand there alone made me nervous, but also happy that he's able to hang with his big brothers. He was so excited to be out there by himself. I called his name when he was out there and he said, "cheese" as I snapped this picture.
Matt and his mini me- I love this picture! Hunter was the first out on the rocks.
Corbin took this picture of us. Wished we had someone out there with us to snap a photo of all of us. Corbin took a good picture though. :)
My boy-o's on the river. This is another favorite of mine. Feeling pretty fortunate right about now.
Next on the Wilson agenda... Hunter's 4th Birthday!
Posted by Jaime at 8:19 PM 2 comments
The Beach
My Mom and Dad were nice enough to take us all on vacation to Myrtle Beach this summer. We got to stay in a house (not on the water, but close to it) and like chocolate syrup on ice cream, they rented a golf cart- which I believe was the highlight of the kids' trip. Now, they point out when they see one and begin to list off benefits of having one... and no, I didn't get pictures of it b/c I was a terrible photographer this trip. I had too much to worry about and I mostly relied on my sister and mom to take pictures... but I did get a few good ones. :)
We were obsessed with digging holes! Leah and I jumped in on the hole digging action and I must admit, we got some head turns day after day on our mad skills (or they could have just been checking us out... he he he)
We even made little steps so the kids wouldn't collapse our walls. :) They did a little digging here and there.
Dane loved the "wah-yer"! Before bed every night, the only way I could get him to quietly go to sleep was to tell him we would go play in the water when he woke up. :) My baby is growing up so fast!... but I'll save that whine for another post. :)
Did you have fun at the beach, Hunter? 2 thumbs up, apparently.
And no, I have no pictures of me on my camera from this beach trip- my mom and sister have some though.
Posted by Jaime at 7:49 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
It's been a while since my last post mainly because I didn't think I had much to post about. No new pictures, no new places that we've visited, no crazy big news... it's been mostly quiet (except for the afternoons when I want to rip the vocal cords out of my young... did I just say that out loud?!... oops) So I've decided to summarize the month of June so far. I've pulled out my trusty calendar which life would cease to exist if this ever left my sight.
-Got through the end of school year parties
-The last day of school was June 3
-Matt and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on June 4 by having dinner and riding go-carts
-The MTV movie awards were great- I look forward to those annually
-The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner came out- yes, of course I read it and got really depressed afterward
-The Eclipse Soundtrack came out (and I have not bought it yet, I know, right?!)
-Matt and I went Kayaking
-Bought Karate Kid (the original) for the boys- they LOVED it! and btw, Ralph Machio was disgustingly skinny back then
-Read The Iron King (AMAZING!) by Julie Kagawa
-Read Dead in the Family sookie book #10 by Charlaine Harris
-Started Running (yes, I actually am pretty good at it)
-We've been swimming at the neighborhood pool just about everyday (and no, Corbin and Hunter are not tan, though Dane and I are getting there)
-I painted my mailbox
-Matt finally got my IKEA furniture put together
-Bought some new workout clothes
-Hunter threw a colossal tantrum at Columbiana Center a couple of weeks ago over jibbets that I refuse to buy
-Matt bought some Mario WII game for the boys (they love it)
-Our good friends moved away :(
-Father's Day (I know I didn't make a post for this, but my Dad knows how much I love him)
-Water day at Nana's (weekly during the summers)
-I've been working out like crazy b/c I have nothing better to do... jk- but I am having fun
-Registered for the Mud Run
-Oh I forgot that a new season of Design Star started in all of it's gay glory
So that is pretty much what's been going on. I guess things weren't that quiet- we were actually pretty busy. Onto what's next for the rest of June:
-Birthday party for Hunter's friend at Monkey Joe's
-Eclipse Movie Companion being release (I know, I'm pathetic)
-Eclipse at IMAX!!!!!!!!!!!
-The twenty something season of the Real World comes on (I know, double pathetic)
Posted by Jaime at 9:39 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Say "Cheese!"
So Dane was playing around and he found his hat and put it on backwards. I thought it was so funny that when I pulled the camera out, he sat on the floor and said, "CHEESE!"
Posted by Jaime at 4:01 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I went to my Grandparents house with my mom yesterday to help with the cleaning out process. By being a part of this, I've decided to re-define what my definition of "treasure" is. I love my Grandparents- they were another set of parents for me and to see their pictures around stung me a bit in the chest, but I was still happy to be there. That house contains so much history and love and happy times for me. The things that I was able to take with me have meant more to me that anything.This statue sat on the top right hand side of my Grandpa's desk my entire life. As a kid, I would stick my pinky in his ears and belly button (I know, ew.), but I always thought this was so cool. Grandpa always said that it was a statue of him and would laugh. I'm thrilled for this treasure. It will sit on the top right hand side of my desk now.
No story behind these. They are about 4 inches tall and they are actually salt and pepper shakers. These reminded me of Night at the Museum (Hunter is famous for quoting this movie) "No gum-gum for the dumb-dumb" Hunter and Corbin both flew at me to get to them when they saw them. They are excited about this treasure.We lived with Grandma and Grandpa for a couple of years when I was really young and Grandma had these beautiful pillowcases with embroidered flowers on them. I thought I was so special because she let me sleep on something so beautiful. Later on as I got older, I specifically remember her making me do some, but I would never finish them because I thought it was boring. Makes me wish for some do-overs.
This was Grandma's apron. It's faded and soft and well-used. I'm happy that I can have it. Maybe some of her genius in the kitchen will rub off on me some day... I hope.
I miss Grandma and Grandpa so much. I miss the days of Kmart and icees, working in the gardens, cabbage and rice, BLT's (no tomato for me, of course)when the first tomatoes of the season would come in, playing cards, peanuts and coke (even though I hated peanuts, I ate them anyways b/c Grandpa did), bowling on Wednesdays, Driving range on thursdays, picking up leaves with the lawn mower, legos, barbies (and their furniture that Grandma made for us out of popsicle sticks), thundercats, Gilligan's Island, shopping at the PX, eating cherries off the cherry stand at the commissary, grilled cheese sandwiches, eating apples out of salt water as Grandma peeled them, learning new ways to weave hemp (I think Grandma was trying to relate with me at the time), listening to me, Grandpa's laugh, the way Grandma pronounced my name, her cold arms (I always liked to lay my cheek on them because when it was hot, her arms were always cool- even as a young adult I did this)... I KNOW that as long as I live my life the way I should, I will see them again and we will all be a family forever. No doubt in my mind. Their absense is noticed everyday, but my treasures will be a constant reminder of them.
Posted by Jaime at 11:54 AM 3 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
Jaime taking a swing!
Leah's turn!
Mom got 2 good hits! She, however, opted for the Nerf bat rather than the steel baton
Oh, and for my gifts, My guys got me that fossil bag that I posted in my "likes post". Hunter gave me a really great card and a bird house, Corbin gave me some coupons and Dane gave me lots of kisses including the smacking of his lips with it. It was a great day with my family and friends!
Posted by Jaime at 8:29 PM 4 comments