Tuesday, June 22, 2010


It's been a while since my last post mainly because I didn't think I had much to post about. No new pictures, no new places that we've visited, no crazy big news... it's been mostly quiet (except for the afternoons when I want to rip the vocal cords out of my young... did I just say that out loud?!... oops) So I've decided to summarize the month of June so far. I've pulled out my trusty calendar which life would cease to exist if this ever left my sight.

-Got through the end of school year parties
-The last day of school was June 3
-Matt and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on June 4 by having dinner and riding go-carts
-The MTV movie awards were great- I look forward to those annually
-The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner came out- yes, of course I read it and got really depressed afterward
-The Eclipse Soundtrack came out (and I have not bought it yet, I know, right?!)
-Matt and I went Kayaking
-Bought Karate Kid (the original) for the boys- they LOVED it! and btw, Ralph Machio was disgustingly skinny back then
-Read The Iron King (AMAZING!) by Julie Kagawa
-Read Dead in the Family sookie book #10 by Charlaine Harris
-Started Running (yes, I actually am pretty good at it)
-We've been swimming at the neighborhood pool just about everyday (and no, Corbin and Hunter are not tan, though Dane and I are getting there)
-I painted my mailbox
-Matt finally got my IKEA furniture put together
-Bought some new workout clothes
-Hunter threw a colossal tantrum at Columbiana Center a couple of weeks ago over jibbets that I refuse to buy
-Matt bought some Mario WII game for the boys (they love it)
-Our good friends moved away :(
-Father's Day (I know I didn't make a post for this, but my Dad knows how much I love him)
-Water day at Nana's (weekly during the summers)
-I've been working out like crazy b/c I have nothing better to do... jk- but I am having fun
-Registered for the Mud Run
-Oh I forgot that a new season of Design Star started in all of it's gay glory

So that is pretty much what's been going on. I guess things weren't that quiet- we were actually pretty busy. Onto what's next for the rest of June:

-Birthday party for Hunter's friend at Monkey Joe's
-Eclipse Movie Companion being release (I know, I'm pathetic)
-Eclipse at IMAX!!!!!!!!!!!
-The twenty something season of the Real World comes on (I know, double pathetic)


Coordination Queen said...

busy girl! I wish I was that inspired to work out... hopefully I'll get there, after the initial soreness & pain go away.

Frances said...

You are hilarious! It reminds me, I still need to buy my movie tickets...ahhh!