Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Funny Pages

Kids are hilarious most days.  The kids I'm directing this post to is Hunter and Dane.  They're not really recent, but I've saved these pictures to bring me a smile when I feel the hulk coming out.  To the right, Hunter penned this apology note to me.  He did something (as per usual) and upset me a little more than normal.  I later returned to my desk to find this note.  Gah, he can be so darn kissably sweet sometimes and other times... I don't know... sometimes I just worry about that kid. :) This was from January 20, 2012

I was cleaning up some drawing papers and doodles one day at the boys' desk area and found this in Dane's pile.  At the time, these were the only letters that Dane knew how to write without help.  Yeesh.  I hope he wasn't mad at me when he wrote this.  Heehee.  This lovely typography artwork was made around March 10, 2012

I found this while doing another clean up at the kids' desk area.  Writing and drawing are very popular in our home.  I came across this in one of Hunter's notebooks.  I loved it so much!  Everything about it (even the fact he used permanent marker-!!) was awesome.  This might make itself to a t-shirt one day.  No lie.  And I really hope that he will continue to whut to fite evil and make good choices througout his life.  **I asked Hunter where he got this from and I would like to shout out to Phineus and Ferb for using this particular phrase in one of their random shows that stood out to my boy**  June 4, 2012

It's been forever and a day!

If I remember correctly- Talon was about 8
weeks.  He's got the Megamind head!  But
he is so cute- I miss this.
I have decided to get back to blogging.  It's been over a year and boy, has life changed.  We've added another boy to the mix.  His name is Talon Barrett.  He turned 1 on July 6.  He's a great baby.  The nickname he has taken on is "Big Baby"... like from Toy Story 3.  He is the size of a two year old. :)  According to Matt the beginnings with this little guy was hard.  He cried a lot.  I honestly have no recollection of him crying a lot.  But at his 2 week appointment, it was discovered that he had a broken collarbone-which happened during the birth- that led to being stuck on his back a little more... this worked wonders for his already flat head **sarcasm**  It also turned out he was stuck in the same spot in utero long enough for his skull to become friends with my pelvic bone. And because of their closeness, Ms. Pelvic bone left a lasting impression on baby's skull.  Enter the hero of the day around month 6 of Talon's life.  Dah, dah, dah, dahhhhh.  DOC Band...
We got through that.  Talon was great.  The first week was horrible, but he got used to it and adjusted quickly.  The second helmet was the hardest on all of us, not to mention Talon.  He had it during record breaking heat this past summer.  He was a trooper though.  And overall, I think it taught the other boys sacrifice.  They knew that we had to wait for certain times a day to venture out and they learned that it wasn't always about them.  Instead of going to the pool, the boys spent a lot of time on the trampoline with the sprinkler.... And they got really good at playing Wii and their DS's.  They got creative in their playtime and we made it work.  Talon is finally finished with that part of his life.  He graduated with amazing results. Here are couple of his photostudy pictures or his before and afters.

Before picture 12-29-11
3-29-12 after his first 12 week course
8-3-12 the day he was freed!

3-29-12 after first 12 week course
8-3-12 graduation day- can you see the
difference in his profile and forehead- this corrected
numerous problems that he would have had to face-
like sinus and jaw issues.  We are so pleased with the
results.  It was hard, but worth it for Talon.
Now life is back to normal, so I'm thinking I'm going to try and set at least one day a week to blog because this takes forever to do.  I've got some catch up to play and then hopefully I'll get back on track.