Tuesday, October 26, 2010

From a Child's Mouth

Kids say some amazing things sometimes that really impact us in the smallest ways, right?! This morning in the car, Hunter and I had a rather unique conversation. It was so neat, I decided to come home and write it down so I wouldn't forget this. I know I typically write quotes from my kids on the sidebar, but this was too long and too good to put over there...

Hunter: Mom, we live on Earf?

Me: Huh? Earth?

Hunter: Yeah, Earf.

Me: Yeah.

Silence. I looked in the rearview mirror and Hunter is looking in the sky.

Hunter: It's raining on Earf.


Hunter: I miss all the people...


Hunter: And I miss our home.

I turn around to see him because we're at a stop light. He's just looking out the window.

Me: But we have a nice home here, too, right?

Hunter: Yeah

Another moment of silence and then Hunter looks at me and smiles really big

Hunter: I like popsicles a whole lot!

Me: Smiles.

I love little moments like this. They make me happy and they also remind me that moments like this make staying at home worthwhile and valuable.


StorminMormon said...

I was so happy when you shared this story with me on the phone. It reminds me that we are entrusted with 3 very special spirits. I love our boys, and I couldn't ask for a better mother to watch over them. :)

Anonymous said...

I will tell you what I know as fact: there is nothing - no job, no salary, no cause - NOTHING, out there that is more important than what you are doing in the home.