Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Trend Alert

So Yesterday (summer of 2010)
-Little Caesrs's Pizza
-Swimming Pool
-Mario Galaxy for the Wii
-Cheerios (Dane)
-Ego Waffle (Hunter)
-Poptarts (Corbin)
-Speed Racer for the DS
-push up flav-or-ice pops

What's Hip Now (September 2010)
-Tom and Jerry
-Iron Man
-Buffalo Wild Wings Restaurant (thanks to the dang quarter eating game machine right at the table- grrrr!)
-Watching for Corbin to get off the bus
-"Old Skool" Super Mario Brothers- Circa 1985- on the Wii
-Cinnamon Toast Crunch (Dane)
-Toast (Hunter)
-Nothing- it's like pulling teeth to get this kid to eat breakfast (Corbin)
-Mario Kart for the DS
-super hero popsicles


Coordination Queen said...

We like a lot of the same things in our house... Tom & Jerry is always a favorite! :)