Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!

This actually happened about 2-3 weeks ago.  It happened in a split second and I beat myself up for days over this one.  Dane was jumping on the bed and (according to Hunter) bounced right off the bed onto the Kung Zhu battle arena.  He got a gash in the side of his head about an inch long and a puncture wound at his crown.  All I remember is the blood.  Everywhere.  Running down the side of his face down his neck and pooling in his ear.  Did I mention the bloody handprint on my bathroom door?  And the spotted trail of blood that went from Hunter and Corbin's room, through my room, and into my bathroom?  Horror movie come to life, I tell ya.  A plastic toy did this?  Holy Cow!  I just had checked on them 2 minutes before and as I began drying my hair, I heard a scream.  I rolled my eyes b/c I thought Dane and Hunter were fighting, but seconds later a bleeding 3 year old stormed my bathroom.  My first thought was his ears... head wound....  brain bleed... serious....  Heavenly Father kept me calm because my internal monologue was trying to make me panic, but it didn't happen.  I somehow went into business mode and wrapped Dane's head with a towel and sat him on the floor.

Dane's gash- the picture doesn't do it justice.  It was nasty and we didn't even get the puncture would on his crown.  He was a little less than tolerant at this point though. :(
Talking to him calmly and then directing Hunter on what I needed him to do, we were up and dressed and out of the door in about 5 minutes.  Hunter was amazing!  He stayed calm throughout as well and followed every direction I gave him and did it in record time.  I was so proud of him.  I was able to stay focused and not get frazzled and I think because of my calmness, Hunter was able to think straight and perform quickly and accurately himself.  We met Matt at the Urgent Care and I think once it all set in and Matt kind of took over, my nerves got me and I broke down a couple of times.  My baby was in pain and I couldn't fix it and the guilt was just all consuming.  It was hard to listen to his cries of pain as they stapled his head wound, but it was over in less than a minute.  His head was wrapped and after some sprite and a toy, he was okay.  We had a quiet day that day and by the afternoon, he was back to his old self.  He let me know when he wanted the dressing off his head and there were times during that day and the next couple that I had to make him slow down.  Man, what an experience.  The staples were taken out last Wednesday (after 7 days) and I think there is still some sensitivity in his head, but we were really lucky with this one.  The Lord watched over us and blessed us-especially Dane.  I'm very thankful for the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit and the reassurance I receive on a daily basis.

After the Sprite... and after a little clean up too- like the sagging front of his shirt?  All dried blood- and yes, we still have the shirt- I was magically able to save everything that got blood on it!


Coordination Queen said...

So scary. I'm glad he's okay. When we went to urgent care for our head wound, the nurse told me peroxide was fabulous in getting out blood. :) Just for future reference.