Monday, May 23, 2011

Honesty is the Best Policy?

Yesterday I went to get Hunter from his Primary Class.  I was presented with yet another work of art from him.  This one, though, actually cracked me up to no end.  To explain the picture, the commandment that Hunter has chosen to work on for the week is I will honor my father and mother and he drew a picture of Matt and me holding hands with a heart between us...  Do you see Matt?  And that big, egg-shaped lady holding his hand?!  It seriously doesn't bother me a bit though.  Hunter knows that I'm the only person he can ever call fat... but I did remind him that once the baby was out, all bets are off. :)

Obviously, the tall, thin guy on the left is Daddy and my representation is spot on.  Hunter made me nice and round because I'm a fat mommy right now.  LOL!


Frances said...

Jaime...Fat? Hardly!!

That may not be a drawing I'd hang on the fridge. Then again, it might be nice inspiration post baby!!

Lucas Kain said...

Honesty is the way to go.. But maybe he sees you as.. you know.. sweet cookie or something? :) Doesn't have to mean anything about fat!

call New Zealand