Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy... Un-Birthday?

Today Dane and I went to Hunter's pre-school class and celebrated his summer birthday with his classmates. We brought a big cookie (courtesy of Publix) decorated with bugs. The kids enjoyed eating their slices of cookies!

Hunter was so happy!

Hunter's teachers, Miss Sheila and Miss DeAnna, told me that he's been eyeing this particular present all year long and he FINALLY was able to get it. (Parents donate one wrapped gift at the beginning of the school year and the teachers keep them in a closet and whoever is celebrating picks what gift they want out of the bunch)

Hunter totally does not look like a 3 year old in this picture. Is it me or does he look much older?! That added in with his height, makes for a very mature looking Hunter, I think. My baby is growing up. FYI- He doesn't turn 4 until July.


Coordination Queen said...

I love that last picture. He does look so grown up! such a cutie!

Jamie said...

You're right...Hunter definately looks older than 3 here! He is sooo handsome!