Thursday, May 6, 2010

Good times, Good times

Just wanted to post some random cuteness of my boys!

Matt got a new tent for a hiking trip he is going to be taking soon and when it came in the mail, he put it together and as always, these guys needed to try it out to see if it could pass the ultimate test... them.

On Fridays, "The Nana" comes over to baby-sit so I can go volunteer in Corbin's class at school. Everytime she comes, they build the tower... and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger!

Candid pictures are my absolute favorite! I was chasing Hunter around one morning with my camera and he tried to hide behind a door, but I was sneaky and stuck the camera around and snapped this! It makes me smile everytime- I rarely get a genuine laugh of him on camera.

Just wanted to take a picture of all the boys. The little boy next to Corbin is our good friend, Michael, who we consider a pack member!


Jamie said...

All those pics are good but I especially LOVE the one of Hunter! Too cute!