Sunday, July 5, 2009

Just a little Twilight Humor!

I saw this little stick man rendition of the New Moon trailer on one of the fan sites. I thought it was so funny! I wanted to share it with you all! My favorite is when Edward Peaces out when he leaves Bella in the woods! I laughed a ton when I saw this... I only wish I would have thought of this first. There are other Twilight stick man stuff at

Funny stuff! **Had to compress the picture to fit, so if you can't see it just click on the picture and it will enlarge.


Jamie said...

UM...Yeah...that is pretty funny!

Mikelene said...

That is flippin' hilarious!

Jaime said...

Click on the link at the beginning of the post. This guy is soooo funny- he's got a new one up now. Part 1 of Eclipse.