Thursday, July 30, 2009

Potty Humor is the Best!

First, I have to apologize if my potty humor offends anyone. I came across this on a blog and I thought it was sooooo funny- because potty humor is great! Of course it is Twilight related.

Second, I know you are rolling your eyes Mom, and I'm sorry, but I had to. I'd like to dedicate this video to my sister, Leah, who will laugh her butt off I'm sure!!


Jamie said...

um I laughed! Funny stuff!

Frances said...

Mom and I just watched that and laughed so hard!! Keep the Twilight clips coming.

smejia said...

Absolutely disgusting...and I didn't even watch it.

Jaime said...

I knew you would appreciate it, mom... loosen up, lady! ;)