Friday, February 25, 2011

My Youngest Baby is 3!

Yes, I know I am way late posting this one, but life has a way of getting a little overwhelming at times, right? So Dane turned 3 on February 15th. He is my love child. :) We didn't do much that day. We all went to the gym and Matt and the boys swam at the pool. They had a great time and afterwards we went to Dane's favorite restaurant... Yep, Chic-fil-a once again. The pool famished him and he ate an entire 6 nuggets kids meal and some ice cream. He was content afterward. The real festivities were the following Sunday at Nana'a house. He picked out Lightning McQueen plates to have his cake on. We actually had brownies b/c Dane lurves them. :) I once again forgot a camera, so my mom has this birthday on hers. Dane got lots of clothes for summer, a Tom and Jerry movie (his faaavvooorite), a Thomas pillow, and a ride on motorcycle. He also got some play-doh and another ball. Another successful birthday under our belts this year! Happy Birthday to my sweet Dane! Mom loves you so much!

side note: Dane has been potty-trained since about a week before his birthday. He took off that pull-up and never looked back. He's doing great except for the going #2- but I think we are getting that under control now and well on our way to success! Yay for Dane!


The Wilsons said...

That is NOT Dane! Did he miraculously turn into a little boy when he potty trained and turned 3? I guess its a good thing you have a baby on the way huh? Paul will never grow up and will always be my baby, right?

Coordination Queen said...

He was so cute today! Yay for being potty trained! Did you ever get your shopping finished? :)