Friday, September 11, 2009

I Do Remember And I Have Not Forgotten

I was wondering this morning while at the gym why they were showing so many clips of the September 11th attacks and then I realized... today was September 11th. I still remember that day clearly.

I was working in the call center for SCEG and I was pregnant with Corbin at the time. I remember working with a call and then as I was hanging up, I looked up and one of the managers was walking around turning all the TVs on in the building. They were placed all around so when there were storms we could track weather and whatnot. The news was turned on and the continuing buzz of the center literally went dead. No calls came through for over an hour. They weren't routed or anything, no one called. We all just kept our eyes on the TV and watched the terror that was happening. I cried and was so scared for what I was seeing. My mind raced and I thought about Corbin and the times ahead. This was such a tragic time in American history, but through this we were also able to witness miracles and people coming together and getting through this. I still remember that time like it was just yesterday. I remember vividly the things around me and I honestly don't like to. I remember after that day, I couldn't watch anymore coverage on this event because it hurt me so much to see the images on TV. I prayed for those people that were involved and that was my only solace.

Anyway, I want to express how grateful I am to live in this country and I am so thankful for the sacrifices of our armed forces and our civil services that are there to serve and protect us all. May they continue to be blessed for all they do for us!