Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School!

School is officially on now and I wanted to wait to post both of these guys together.

Corbin started the 2nd grade on August 19th and so far seems to really be enjoying it. Mrs. Herdon is his teacher and he says that she is really nice. First days are always a little nerve racking (at least they were for me growing up), but when Corbin got in the van he proclaimed to the world, "TODAY WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" oh how I wish to have that mantra.

Photo taken by Hunter, budding photographer!

Hunter started 3 year old preschool today. He has been very anxious to start. He walked right in and did not look back. He was all smiles in the pick up line and talked and told me about his day. He played with his friend, Jake, he ate snack, played with a big truck, and peed all over the toilet seat. Sounds productive, right? Oh, and his nose has begun to run. Welcome back runny nose- NOT! You know school is in session when the noses begin to run, right?

He was saying cheese and he has also graduated to scruch up your face smile. Funny, because Corbin went through this when he was about three.


Jamie said...

UM...I love it! All of it...my favorite was when Hunter "Peed all over the seat!" Classic BOY!

Mikelene said...

Hunter is so dang funny! Love the cheesy grin. I'm glad both of the boys are enjoying school. Looking forward to Friday night!!

Christi said...

Congrats to the boys! Glad they enjoy school! 2 down, 1 to go! Or 2 or 3...