Sunday, June 28, 2009

Welcome to The Wilson Family Blog

Hello to everyone! Yes, I've finally done it. Our blog is here! Let's see how long I will be able to keep up with this thing. Any bets?

So what's been going on with us lately? To keep it brief, Matt got a new job as a contractor at the VC Summer Nuclear Plant doing something techy there. We are really excited about this job and he seems pleased because it's something different. It's a pretty long drive, but not bad he says. I personally enjoy quiet rides to be left alone with my thoughts... I digress.

Corbin, Hunter, and Dane are doing great. Corbin and Hunter have a love/hate brotherhood. One minute they are screaming "stop it" and then the next they are watching tv with their arms aroung eachothers shoulders. Corbin will be in the second grade at Lake Murray Elementary and is an excellent reader. We just recently began reading chapter books. We are currently reading a Magic Treehouse book and he is just doing a phenomenal job. After the first two pages he read, he stopped and looked at me with this beaming smile and said, "I just can't believe I'm doing this." That same week, we tossed the booster because he has finally reached weight requirements to ride in a car without one. Needless to say, he thinks he is hot stuff now.

I'm attempting potty training with Hunter and it is an absolute nightmare! He is a VERY strong willed child, and I'm completely at a loss. But we'll get there... when he feels like it. I'm not going to force him because I don't want to make it a negative experience and then I'll end up with a 5 year old in diapers. These days, Hunter is taking cues from Corbin in the comedian area. All Hunter has to do is mention the word "poo poo" and he'll get a laugh from Corbin. So "poo poo" is in much of his dialogue.

Dane is holding his own with these other two guys. He can rumble with the best of 'em. He's put the smackdown on Hunter a couple of times releasing the Hulk causing me to use my cat like reflexes to intervene before Dane becomes Hunter's lunch. (Hunter is a really sweet, lovable kid- he just has the Fedrick blood running through his veins- family will understand this) Dane only has 4 teeth. Yes, only 4. It has made feeding him quite inconvenient. He's not much for table foods, but he's getting there. He'll been potty trained before he stops eating graduate foods for his meals.

These guys are my joy, seriously. It's been hard, but I feel blessed. I love my family and look forward to sharing more with everyone. You'll get to know me better, I hope and learn the workings of my keen intellect. Boowahhahaha! Take care and Love to Everyone!


Jaime said...

test. heard people were having trouble commenting.

Cynthia said...

haha jaime, you're so cute with your background. it's been different every time i've seen it. so fun.

Jaime said...

I've been experimenting and I think I finally decided what I liked. I think I'll keep this one for a while.