Monday, April 12, 2010

Look what the Easter Bunny left us

So instead of leaving colored eggs,candy and assorted prizes, the Easter Bunny went a rompin in our backyard and left us 6 little somethin'-somethins' in a little hole out back. They were just discovered yesterday. Apparently they've been there for quite a while... Matt even mowed over the hole and didn't even know it. (I know, right?!) Mama bunny came home to find baby bunnies exposed so she shed a huge amount of hair to cover them. Matt saw a pile of fur and decided to investigate, now we are waiting for them to get big enough and start jumping around the backyard. :)

***Update*** We found the bunnies the other day and they died. We told the boys they hopped away. Sad.


Frances said...

Wo! I can't believe that!!

Partyof9 said...

Awwwww! That is SO cool!