Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Time

So we always have a pretty fun Halloween. We just all get together and let the kids go door to door in our neighborhood. Leah, Jake, Anna, and Hayden usually come with us, but went trick or treating with the rich kids of wildewood, but according to Leah it wasn't as hip happening as Farming Creek. We were waiting in lines at times because there were lots 'o kids about. Matt and I have decided that if we ever have a girl, when she turns a certain age, she will not be allowed to dress up anymore... ha ha ha. I think the teens around here like to have contests to see what kind of costume they can get with the least amount of fabric. It fascinates me that a parent would let their daughter out of the house that way... anyways, pictures. yes, pictures. I have a few to show. Posts are no fun to look at unless there are pictures to be seen!

Our first family picture since I was pregnant with Hunter. I know, right?!! It was so hot last night- we didn't even dress Dane up in his costume. He would have had a heat stroke, so he just went as the cutest little guy around. :) And it's in b&w to take the sweaty shine off my no make up wearing face. I'm so shallow....

Nana with Corbin and Hunter

Corbin is a storm trooper (he's majorly into star wars these days) and Hunter is of course, Batman. A little story behind this costume. Hunter was flipping through a halloween costume catalog several months back and came across the batman muscle suit (what he calls it). He ripped it out and carried this paper for weeks... seriously. It's very worn and taped several times over and quite ragged. I couldn't throw it away. I'm keeping it for a keepsake. As for Corbin, this is the only picture that I got of Corbin where he didn't have his mask on (he was sweating profusely by the way in case you couldn't figure that out)

Corbin LOVES star wars! And I love Corbin!


Mikelene said...

Photos! YAY! Dane is such a little cutie. You could say he was a munchkin from the Wizard of Oz & call it good. :) Corbin has the same "yes, Mom, I'm smiling" look on his face that Morgan has these days. LOL!
My girls & I got rained on while we were walking through your neighborhood last nite, but they still had fun! And there were TONS of frogs &toads EVERYwhere. No lie. How Halloween-ish is that?

The Wilsons said...

John was Batman too! I went for the cheaper no muscle costume! Of course he will wear it constantly and I figured the muscles would get on my nerves and not wash easily.

And, can I say how young your Mom looks? I actually thought it was you while I was scrolling through until I saw the text under the picture!

Gotta get my pics downloaded, maybe tomorrow!

Jamie said...

Too cute. Nicholas kept taking his mask off too b/c it was so hot! And Preston and I only made it around the block before we both had a heat stroke so we called it a night early while Timmy and the kids did their thing! I pretty much had to refuse candy to like 5 black boys that came up to my door with no shirts on saying they were Negros! I told them to stop being ignorant and unless they had on costumes no candy was allowed! They were like 16! Seriously where are the manners!

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